Filtering by Cyclone, The

John Hunt
Model builder of roller coasters and amusement rides including the Cyclone and Deno's Wonder Wheel

Michael Liff
Memories of working at the Tornado roller coaster and other Coney Island rides and games in the 1970s

Alonzo Kittrels
Memories of bus trips to Coney Island with the Good Will Family Club from the 1940's through 1961

Jim Lucarelli
Memories of operating Steeplechase Park's Sports Car ride in 1963-1964 and fighting the Ravenhall fire

Lois McLohon
Brooklynite who posed for a now iconic 1950's NY Daily News pin-up photo on Coney Island Beach

Connie Scacciaferro
Memories of going to Coney Island Beach as a child in the 1930's and a teenager in the '40s

Angbeen Saleem
A poet and roller coaster lover describes her weekly ritual of riding the Coney Island Cyclone

Josh Wolfe
Chairman of Coney Island Prep on growing up in Coney Island and the charter school's first 15 years

Irwin Temkin
Growing up in Coney Island and how learning French at Lincoln High School influenced his life

Frieda Schwelke
Memories of growing up in Coney Island in the 1930s and '40s and moving to Luna Park Houses in 1962

Tara Altebrando
Author of Dreamland Social Club, a novel set in Coney Island, who got engaged on the Wonder Wheel

Frederick Brosen
Artist whose watercolors of the Astroland Rocket and Wonder Wheel sign are emblematic of Coney Island