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Oral History Archive
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Zohra Saed
Poet and writer from Afghanistan who grew up in Southern Brooklyn
Shavon Meyers
A poet and storyteller on growing up in Coney Island at Gravesend Houses, the beach and Astroland
Marie Navarro
A lifelong resident's memories of growing up in Coney Island's Gravesend Houses and Kaiser Park
Patrick Phillips
Memories of working at Astroland's Neptune Diving Bells in the summer of 1964
Josh Wolfe
Chairman of Coney Island Prep on growing up in Coney Island and the charter school's first 15 years
Kathy Fenyves
Memories of growing up in the newly opened Luna Park Houses in the 1960s and 1970s
Eric Schwelke
Memories of living in Luna Park Houses in the 1960s and again in the late 1970s
Amparo Garcia
Lifelong Brighton Beach resident shares stories of Brighton Beach then and now
Randy Kasper
Memories of living in the newly opened Luna Park Houses in the 1960s
Alison Cintorrino
Memories of growing up in Luna Park Houses in the 1960s and 1970s
Alan Kirschenbaum
Memories of growing up in Coney Island Houses in the 1950s and early '60s
Reverend Cliff Herring
The Roller Coaster Reverend shares stories of Cyclone weddings
Lou Nasti
Mechanical display creator who redid the tricks for Astroland's Dante's Inferno dark ride in the 1990s
Paul Sanchez
Coney Island singer/songwriter who wrote "A Coney Island Song"
Shirley Aikens
Community activist and president of the Carey Gardens Tenants Association
Wally Roberts
The King of Jones Walk
Walter "Shorty" Arsenault
Long-time manager of Astroland's Kiddieland
Ron Rossi
Bringing the 1960's back to Coney Island
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