This interview was conducted and recorded in Russian. Read Julia Kanin's Russian transcript and English translation below. Интервью проведено и записано на русском языке. Вы можете ознакомиться с траснскриптом и переводом Юлии Ханиной ниже.
Betya Shenker was born in Haivoron, Ukraine in the 1930s and immigrated to the U.S. in the 1990s, where she settled in Southern Brooklyn. Shenker recalls being three and a half years old when World War II started and the life-and-death situations experienced by her family during the war. She describes her school days, which began at age eight because "I didn't know a single Russian word. All I knew was Yiddish." In 1992, Shenker's family decided to emigrate due to the antisemitism experienced by their son in school.