Hello Andrea,
The rustic Villanova summer bungalow colony was located on West 37th Street between the Boardwalk and Surf Avenue. It opened around 1910 and was demolished in early 1970. Villanova Court was one of the dozens of popular resort colonies in the West End of Coney Island that flourished during the early-to-mid 20th century. Nearby were Sea Gate Villa and Jefferson Baths, two seasonal businesses that survived until the early 70s.
A 1950s advertisement for Villanova listed its amenities as: "an outdoor pavilion, television, hot and cold showers, steam room, handball court, washing machines, telephone service, and private entrances to the beach and Boardwalk."
Attached is a photograph of Villanova taken in the 1950s.
IT WOULD NOT BE PORTUGUESE OR SPANISH- Yes, when one refers to the ocean, you have the Atlantic Ocean there in Coney Island there by the apartments there, you usually think EAST across the ocean from there. I was not thinking Cancos SOUTH from Coney Island.
It probably would NOT be a Portuguese name. Somebody out in Southold, New York at a church in Orient, New York told me that there are Portuguese living at the EAST end out there. Which is a stunner to me and to my dad. Yes, my dad thinks that Ireland would be across the ocean EAST out there. Somebody at the Montauk Yacht Club and a community board out there in Montauk, NY says that Portugal is 3,000 miles EAST from the end of Long Island like that, on the eastern seaboard like that by the coast there. Yes.
But I do not think it would be a Portuguese name being Villanova Court. If it were Portuguese or Spanish with them coming from the EAST out there on the ocean, it would be Vilanueva or Vilanova or something like that. Probably Italian,. I do not think the Spanish or the Portuguese would land in ConeY Island, but they are on the East End of Long Island. Yes, Portugal across the ocean there would be 3,100 miles I think across the ocean. If you just think SOUTH, it is the Carribean SOUTH of you in Coney island.
Probably not a Portuguese name to Villanova Court. I do not think. No.
Wow. Does anybody here know if Villanova Court can be perhaps Portuguese??
I wonder about the name. Do you know like if you were able to cross the ocean Portugal is on the other side EAST.
I wonder if any boats from Portugal or Spain in earlier years landed in Coney Island or perhaps Bay Ridge like that. Yes, if you cross the ocean EAST, you are in Portugal on the other side of the ocean there. Yes.
I wonder if Villanova Court is a Portuguese or Spanish name. Yes, I wonder if any boats landed in Coney Island or perhaps Bay Ridge from Portugal or Spain since it is like3,100 miles EAST across the ocean from there. Yes. Portugal or Spain. Yes. But that may be Vilanova, I think.
When I was a kid I remimber living at a place that looked just like this-not in the bungalows but in a house that was located on the left side of the photo in front of where the lounge chairs are(not shown). Did it have a huge gate at one end? I lived there with my mom Jennie & father David & my dog a Boxer named Mitzi. Were there any other places set up the exact same way? If not this was it!! My father was a caretaker there.
I spent the summer of 1954 in a bungalow colony called Carlton Court. It looked like the photo you identify as Villanova Court, but they all probably looked similar. It had a large wood decked area in the back and a private gated entrance to the beach under the boardwalk.
The owners of Villanova Court at the time I was there were first Mr. Wax who sold it to Mr. Nathan and Mr. Roubin. I spent 17 summers there and have great memories of a wonderful place and people who I came into contact with. My family and relatives went there every summer.
Live there
I use to live there when Mr Nathen and Reuben had it .. My dad was the super..
Carlton Court was the bungalow colony on the block before Villanova. Jefferson Court was the bungalow colony before Carlton Court. The last bungalow colony was Villanova right before Sea Gate. It was the best one. I went to Villanova from the time I was born to 1966 each summer. Best summers of my life.
Your house was probably to the right of the lounge chairs. There was a gate from Villanova to the parking lot on the right facing the lounge chairs. At the corner of that street was a sub shop called Mary's.
Mary’s Subs
At age 5, I walked alone to Mary’s, from my grandparents’ bungalow (a “Cuchalayne” cook-alone) who made me my FIRST HAM ‘n CHEESE Sub, with mustard & lettuce, and it was FANTASTIC! She loved me! It was safe then!
In 1954 I too stayed at Carleton Court. We later moved "uptown" to villa nova. I have a picture of my grandparents and me in 51 or 52 in front of Carleton, and many pics of activities at villa nova. Carleton had mostly brown asphalt siding on the bungalows. The suits were single story unless you went to the back side, closest to the beach and boardwalk, where there were 2 story units facing the ocean. In the summer of '53, hurricane Edna hit, and my grandad and I walked to the boardwalk to watch the surf during the lull of the eye. The wind picked up, and in the ten minutes walking back to the bungalow, my grandad held on to my hand and coat, as I was blow off me feet in the wind! In the early days, when people respected property, the gates fences between each bungalow and the street, and access to the beach and boardwalk, were always left open by day, closed by night.
This is for Lynn, Alen and Mary Farkas.. I was raise in Villanove Court wth my two sisters .. My father was the super their. In the winter we where the only ones living there and my father would fix the place, getting it ready for the summer. We lived there from 1964 to 1969. I remember all the fun I had there I remember Ruben, Sal Kasler and Mr. Nathen. In the summer we had activity. I loved when they play bingo on Tuesdays. My Sisther would call the number. I have been trying to see if we can get in touch with some of the people that live there in the summer. I remember a girl name Jenny and boy name Grege he would help my dad. My father's name is Sam he did all the repairs to the bunglos. We move to south Jersey since 1973 and my father is always talking about the wonderfully time he had there. I would love to talk to Lynn or Alen And Mary. I. Have some photos of mr Nathen with my father and some of use in the bunglos.
Villanova Sam the Super
Had such wonderful times there. Was friends with Sam’s girls. Would love to get in touch with Iris, Kiki and Zoraida.
The happiest memories of my life. Summers at my grandparents bungalow at Villanova Ct. They were Max and Jenny Farber..they moved to Coney Island full time in the early 60's, I think..Luna Park co-ops..what fun! The boardwalk at night..beach during the day..Parachute Jump..Nathan's..Steeplechase..Faber's Fascination..Fun Land..Freak Shows..Mermaid Ave..
We stayed in Carleton Court from the late 40's thru the early 50's. We lived in the rear on the 2nd floor overlooking the boardwalk & ocean. We still hear from people that stayed there each summer. Would like to see pics if anyone has some.
Some of the names I remember were Zina, Alvin, Rita. Sure miss them days.
I lived at Villanova court with my family for a few summer's in the 1950's.l was about 8 years old.I loved walking down the boardwalk and buying large cardboard baseball cards from vending machines in the places where you played pin ball.my mom had grown up in silver lake so we were in essence returning to her home grounds.later,we went to sunrise bungalows in spring valley.l graduated from new utrecht high in 1964 and found myself in law school in California where I have lived since 1971.my memories of playing on the beach and walking the boardwalk are extremely happy.
My grandfather, Martin Waks owned the Villanova Court in the 50's. He could walk from his house in Sea Gate near beach one (he designed and had the house built in 1947) I was so happy to find a picture of it. I still have a promotional pencil from there. He also owned the Oceantide Bath house which was in Coney Island on the boardwalk. If anyone has a picture of that it would be great. Fun to read all of the above!
This is for Lynn, Alen and
This is for Lynn, Alen and Mary Farkas.. I was raised in Villanove Court with my two sisters .. My father was the super there. In the winter we where the only ones living there and my father would fix the place, getting it ready for the summer. We lived there from 1964 to 1969. I remember all the fun I had there I remember Ruben, Sal Kasler and Mr. Nathen. In the summer we had activity. I loved when they play bingo on Tuesdays. My sister would call the number. I have been trying to see if we can get in touch with some of the people that live there in the summer. I remember a girl name Jenny and boy name Grege he would help my dad. My father's name is Sam he did all the repairs to the bunglos. We move to south Jersey since 1973 and my father is always talking about the wonderfully time he had there.. I. Have some photos of mr Nathen with my father and some of use in the bunglos.
Summers in Coney Island
My Mother's uncle was Mr. Louis Nathan and he was co-owner of the Villanova Court. We spent many summers in Coney Island but we had a bungalow a few blocks from the Court. Our place was one room and our shower was outside. We walked on a concrete path to the beach and had to go under the Boardwalk. We had a neighbor named Mrs. Timmons who had the most gorgeous white Persian cat. Her place was at the end of the walk just before hitting the sand. We were there one summer when we were told to evacuate since there was a hurricane due any day. We packed up and headed back to our apartment in the project. A few days later we returned and the next night the storm hit. It was very scary since our bungalow was surrounded by and under huge trees which could easily have taken out our place. But the trees and our house stood and we weathered the storm.
Many or our relatives stayed at the Villanova Court and we would walk the Boardwalk to their entrance so we could visit. I remember the bingo games and the men playing cards. I remember the showers we used to get rid of the sand so not to drag it inside. I remember the jetties which helped keep the waves from taking the sand and also to keep the riff-raff from walking into Sea Gate which was a very (at the time) expensive place to live with huge homes. I have a friend now who used to live there and grew up in Sea Gate. I remember the lights strung along the apartments and gave it such a festive look. Tuesday nights we would go up on the Boardwalk and travel to the Carousel, have pizza and custard. At 9 o'clock we would watch the Fireworks from the pier. Such wonderful memories!!! Every year my Mother's youngest sister would take a few of us to Steeplechase for the day. For $1.00 you got round ticket with maybe 15 circles. The ticket taker would punch one when you went on a ride. I thought I had one from years ago but cannot find it. I guess for now that is all I have time to write. Hope this has given yu some more memories to think about.
Villa Nova Court
My sister Ricky sent me this link. What a blast from the past.
My father and Louis Nathan bought Villa Nova in 1957, I think. We spent our summers there until 1968. I remember Lynn, Alan Newman and Sam. The early years were great fun, but it declined in the later years, unfortunately.
We were lucky to have the unique adventures and experiences of that era.
Would love to meet you
I just ask my dad about you and he did he remembers your mom mrs Rouban.. I remembered your mother’s house my dad would paint her house .. Such good memories. It would be wonderful to meet you. My father is now 82 and all we do is talk about our blessings leaving in Villanova Count.
Villa Nova
Say hello to you family for me. I can still picture your father and mother dancing on the patio during Saturday night parties. They were the hit of the evening.
I live in New Hampshire now and don't get to NY any more. If you're on Facebook, or any other alumni, look up my name and friend me.
Villa Nova court
Hi Ben .. I was just talking to my sister and I just seen your respond.. we talking about Coney Island. I try looking for you on Facebook. Please respond again. You can find me on Facebook. Noemi Santiago Gonzalez
Are you the Kiki I remember? Would love to hear fro. You and your sisters. Best summers ever. I used to miss you girls so much when the summer ended.
My contact
Noemi, I looked for your Facebook page, but there were so many, I didn't know which was yours. Here's mine:
Feel free to look me up and friend me. Any other Villa Nova alumni is welcome too.
Villa Nova Court
My grandfather, Aniello Aquino owned it. He was from Avellino, Italy.
My grandparents spent summers there in the 60's
My grandparents, Jennie and Meyer Groer, spend summers at the Villanova in the 60's. I was five or six when I spent a few summers there with them. We would play Bingo on the Boardwalk and my grandmother had a friend in Sea Gate. How wonderful to find out about the history of this place. They would always say "during the summers, we take a bungalow in Coney Island" and it was always the Villanova.
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