Dear Mr. Coney Island...
My grandparents owned a candy store at 2860, west 17th. Street, in Coney island, back in the 50s and 60s. I was a young boy when they closed it, in the late 60s, I was wondering if you have any pictures of it. I would appreciate it, if you could send them if you do. Thank you.Dominic Fauci
Hello Dominic,
Here is a photo of the old candy store on West 17th.
Dear Mr. Coney Island...
I went to Coney Island many times as a child. We loved to get spooked out by the Dragon that rotated its head from side to side and blew steam out of his nostrils. (1960s). I would love to see a photo of the old dragon.
Thanks for your help!
- Cynthia G.
Hello Cynthia,
There were many versions of the Dragon that hovered over the Bowery for so many years. It started with a Messmore & Daman steam-blowing creation, and ended with Dan Casola's streamlined lizard-like Dragon. Casola built the dragon in his backyard on Stillwell Avenue.
Here are several examples, starting with the 1955 version above Norman and Sporty Kaufman's dark ride, Fun in the Dark, which was later re-named the Dragon's Cave.

Dear Mr. Coney Island...
I am going to Coney Island tomorrow and have been combing through various videos on YouTube the past few days. In one video of The Cyclone from some time in the 1930's I could clearly see that there was a second Coaster right next to The Cyclone!! This has triggered an obsession to try and find out whatever I can about this mysterious second Coaster! I can only find a few scant mentions of this Coaster that appears to have been torn down in the mid-40s. The spot is now the parking lot for the Aquarium. I am hoping you can fill me in with some fun info...
Thank you so much!
Eldo Ray Estes
Hello Eldo,
That would be the Comet Coaster also known as the Wildcat and Big Dipper. It opened in 1921.
It operated side by side with the Cyclone until 1945 when it was replaced with McCullough’s Kiddie Park.
The Tilyou family owned the property until it was sold to the Aquarium in the 1960s.

Dear Mr. Coney Island...
My grandparents used to live on a small road that was kind of like an alleyway on West 20th street in the mid 1960s. It was called Railroad Road but I cannot find any trace of it as the area has been redone. Would you know whereabouts it might have been?
> Thanks, Chris
Hello Chris,
Railroad Avenue was the right-of-way for a railroad line that was once located between Surf Avenue and Mermaid Avenue. The Norton's Point trolley ran on this line from the Stillwell Avenue Terminal to Sea Gate until 1948. It was closed off and built over in the 1960s-1970s. There's no longer any trace of this old road. Here's a photo of the old trolley line when it was in operation.

Dear Mr. Coney Island...
Do you have any information about a restaurant/bar named Gallaghers. The owners were Tom and Daisy Gallagher. I know they were open for the 1917 Coney Island season.
Thank you.
Jane B.
Hello Jane,
Here is a 1914 photo of Gallaghers Inn at 25th street and Surf Avenue.

Dear Mr. Coney Island...
I pass this neon sign every week and see in one hand he has a tray with a hot dog, fries and a soda…but what is in the other hand? It looks like an old camera. Thanks.
- Don Loggins
Hi Don,
The hot dog on the sign is holding an old-style Nathan's take out box with a handle!

Dear Mr. Coney Island...
I have a picture of my mom and my oldest brother who are both now deceased. Before my brother died he told me that this picture was taken on Coney Island Beach. I plan to visit one day soon and find the exact spot they were sitting at on the beach. I notice that the tower behind the Ferris wheel is no longer there. I believe this picture was taken in the mid 1940's. Just wondering how far was she from the Ferris wheel?
- Linda Brown-Terrell
Hello Linda Brown-Terrell,
This photo was taken on the beach at West 10th Street in Coney Island. The dark tower is the old Feltman’s Restaurant powerhouse chimney, demolished in 1962. The Wonder Wheel is behind it and still exists today, celebrating its 100th anniversary last year! If you go to the beach at West 10th, behind the Cyclone Roller Coaster, facing the Wonder Wheel you will be in the exact spot that this photo was taken! Let us know when you get here, and if we’re open, we’ll guide you. . .
Charles Denson
Dear Mr. Coney Island...
When I was a student in NYC in 2007, I spent a lot of my time photographing a wonderful group of people who tended to a garden and I forget where that garden used to stand. It was off of Mermaid Ave. and I wanna say 21st St. Any help would be greatly appreciated
- Jason
Hello Jason,
The garden was on West 20th Street on Mermaid. Unfortunately, the garden and building in the photo have been demolished and are being replaced with a high rise residential building. Here’s the site during construction. So many of the wonderful community gardens in Coney Island have been destroyed by development.

Dear Mr. Coney Island...
I got this photo off the 1940’s NYC site. My dad and his friends rented what I believe would have been the bungalow on the left in this photo. My recollection is we went there in early to mid 70’s. What I remember most was being able to walk under the boardwalk to the beach or go up a staircase to the boardwalk. The staircase would’ve been added later but you can see how it would work. My brother seems to think that the bungalows were more likely on W35th, but agrees that they looked like this. I remember being very close to Seagate and what I think would’ve been remnants of the Ocean Tide. If this pic is where we would’ve stayed then to the right would’ve been a small hotel and a pizzeria (Marios?). Any thoughts, info or photos would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
- Tom Baker
Hello Tom,
The bungalows were between 32nd and 33rd, Right next to Larry and Vinny’s pizza.
I have documented them for many years. Not much left now, just ruins at ground level where there’s a cat colony. Would like to hear more about your Dad and the bungalows! Let’s talk.
Here’ s a photo I took of the bungalows twenty years ago.
Charles Denson

Dear Mr. Coney Island...
My uncle was Jack Ward. It's hard to believe it's been ten years since he passed, way too early in life. I'm reaching out just say hello and wondering if anyone could share some stories about him. Jackie was a favorite uncle and great man. He was close with Charles Denson but I can't find an email address for him anywhere. Take care. God Bless. Stay well.
All the best,
- Ward McGuiness
Hello Ward,
Jack was the heart and soul of Coney Island and he is missed. It’s just not the same without him.
Please listen to Jack’s oral history on our web site. We’ll send the names of some of his surviving Coney Island friends for you to contact.