Angela Kravtchenko is an architect, a resident of Coney Island, a community activist, and a new member of Community Board 13. She describes how she and her family chose to live in Coney Island after emigrating from Ukraine in the 1990s and living in...
Content type: Oral History Item
82 year-old Ben Grisar and his wife Vivian both grew up in Coney Island. Ben's grandfather owned many businesses in Coney Island including partial ownership in Dreamland Park, which was destroyed by fire in 1911. He shares his personal memories...
Content type: Oral History Item
Alvin Dorfman, a 1944 graduate of Lincoln High School, was raised on Seabreeze Avenue in the West Brighton section of Coney Island. Dorfman recounts here his memories of the military presence in Sea Breeze (now Asser Levy) park and of life in Coney...
Content type: Oral History Item