Johnstown Flood Building

Page 03 of the Glimpses of the New Coney Island book: Johnstown Flood Photograph of the Johnstown Flood show "The Johnstown Flood Building featured an exciting show that depicted the Pennsylvania town's tragic flood." (from:
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Book
Page 42 of Coney Island - The People's Playground: The Deluge, Second Scene, Johnstown Flood Building Photograph of second scene of The Deluge at the Johnstown Flood Building, featuring a show depicting Johnstown, Pennsylvania's tragic flood.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Book
Page 44 of Coney Island - The People's Playground: The Deluge, Fifth Scene, Johnstown Flood Building Photograph of the fifth scene of The Deluge, at the Johnstown Flood Building, featuring a show depicting Johnstown, Pennsylvania's tragic flood.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Book
Page 41 of Coney Island - The People's Playground: The Deluge, Johnstown Flood Building Photograph of The Deluge at the Johnstown Flood Building, which featured a show depicting Johnstown, Pennsylvania's tragic flood.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Book
Page 43 of Coney Island - The People's Playground: The Deluge, Fourth Scene, Johnstown Flood Building Photograph of the fourth scene of The Deluge at Johnstown Flood Building, featuring a show depicting Johstown, Pennsylvania's tragic flood.
Content type: Collection Item
Collection type: Book