Record producer and audio engineer who produces live shows at Coney Island Brewery
"The" Jerry Farley is a record producer and audio engineer who has produced shows in Coney Island at Peggy O'Neills and now at Coney Island Brewery, where he stages a monthly punk/metal night and other live events. Born in Dyker Heights in 1978, as...
Content type: Oral History Item
Growing up in Coney Island and Gravesend in the 1990s and 2000s
Eric Sanchez was born in 1987 when his family lived in Coney Island. He later moved to 2121 Shore Parkway, a building in Gravesend which had a great view of Coney Island, Cropsey and Bay 49th, and Neptune Avenue and West 15th Street. As a teen, ...
Content type: Oral History Item