Yanglun Hsiao

A filmmaker and film editor from Taiwan living in Brighton Beach

Yanglun Hsiao
Interview Date:
January 26, 2019



This interview was conducted and recorded in Mandarin Chinese. Read Ruonan Zheng's transcript and translation below:


Yanglun Hsiao, a filmmaker and film editor from Taiwan, has lived in Brooklyn off and on since 2013, most recently in Brighton Beach since January 2018. She is currently in school to study English, with the goal of being able to work on multinational film projects in Asia, which she says demands good English skills. Yanglun shares her impressions of life in Brighton Beach and Coney Island, and her philosophy of being a tourist every day and exploring every day with curiosity.

台湾电影制片人兼电影剪接师萧姎伦(Yanglun Hsiao)自2013年以来一直住在布鲁克林,最近一次是自2018年1月起在布莱顿海滩(Brighton Beach)。她目前在学校学习英语,目标是能够从事跨国电影工作。她说,在亚洲做工需要流利的英语水平。萧姎伦分享了她在布莱顿海滩和康尼岛的生活印象,以及她每天以游客身分好奇探索的生活哲学。