Oral History Archive

Mark Breyer
Outside talker at the World in Wax Musee and lifeguard in the 1950's and 60's
Cesar Rafael
Coney Island game operator
Lily Binder
Artist and photographer
Freda Aron
Radio broadcaster and Coney Island native
Joel Minesquero
Helping his Dad run a dark ride called the House of Horrors
Thomas R. Jablonski
Planner behind the new Stillwell Avenue subway terminal
Namomi Gorin
Summer resident of Sea Gate
Naomi M
Experiences at the Mermaid Parade
Reginald Sweeny
Life-long resident of Coney Island
Arthur Melnick
Coney Island concessionaire
Goldie Durlester
Depression-era resident and survivor of the 1932 fire
Terry Silverman
Cousin of Beth Allen, incubator baby
Lennie Fogel
Son of West End and Sea Gate shopkeepers in the 1940's and 50's
Dnynia Armstrong
Co-founder of the Brooklyn newspaper The Phoenix remembers living in Coney Island in the 1960s
Margaret Ross
Coney Island resident and member of the 1960's girl group, The Cookies
Moire Cuite and Elizabeth O'Boyle
Recollections of summers spent at the Ocean Tide beach club near Sea Gate
Roslyn Tromer
Incubator baby
Neal Kavakos
Memories of Tunnels of Love ride operator John Kavakos