Coney Island Collection

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Page 87: Ocean Pier, Steeplechase Park
Document Collection
Page 89: The Entrance, Luna Park
Document Collection
Glimpses of the New Coney Island Book: America's Most Popular Pleasure Resort
Study Collection
Page 90: The Tower, Luna Park
Document Collection
Page 91: The Tower at Night, Luna Park
Document Collection
Inside Cover: Brighton Beach Racing Association
Document Collection
Page 92: Luna Park, Elephant Ride
Document Collection
Page 70: Hell Gate, Dreamland
Document Collection
Page 82: Glady's Chime Tower, Steeplechase Park
Document Collection
Page 71: Chutes from Bostock's, Dreamland
Document Collection
Page 83: Giant See Saw, Ferris Wheel and Air Ships, Steeplechase Park
Document Collection
Page 72: Pharoah's Daughter, Dreamland
Document Collection
Page 84: The Ball Room, Steeplechase Park
Document Collection
Page 73: Infant Incubators, Dreamland
Document Collection
Page 74: Dreamland from the Ocean
Document Collection
Page 77: Surf Avenue Entrance and Big Chimney, Steeplechase Park
Document Collection
Page 78: Bowery Entrance, Steeplechase Park
Document Collection
Page 66: The Hippodrome, Dreamland
Document Collection